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collection by ICAF Europe

Wildschweinbraten (roast wild boar) *

1 kg wild boar For the marinade:
100-150 g bacon 1/2 litre red wine or 1/2 litre mild vinegar
100 g butter 3 cloves
1/8 litre red wine 1 small onion
1 onion 3 juniper berries
3 bay leaves
1 small carrot

Drawing by Sonja Alhaeuser.
Permission to reproduce granted by V.G. Bildkunst, Germany

Cut the meat into cubes and put in a big earthenware bowl. Boil the red wine or vinegar with the spices and while still hot pour over the meat. Put aside to marinate for 3-6 days.

Then, drain the meat well and season with salt and pepper, retaining the red wine marinade. Heat the bacon and butter in a large saucepan and put the cubes of meat into the fat while very hot. While frying the cubes on all sides to brown them, add the onion, the bay leaves and the carrot. Finally, pour the red wine over everything. Cover the saucepan and let it simmer gently for 40-60 minutes. At about half time, give it a stir.

For a more extravagant version, add a glass of Cognac or Madeira. Serve with dumplings and cranberries. A dry Trollinger wine or a Burgundy is a perfect companion.

* Source: Gerhard, F. (1978) Es weihnachtet sehr. Ein kulinarischer Kalender von Advent bis Neujahr, Sigloch